Steinbach wants to improve safety on Hespeler Street after a speed reduction was denied.

The City of Steinbach hopes to soon have updates regarding two proposed safety improvements along Hespeler Street in Steinbach. 

Chief Administrative Officer Jack Kehler gave city council an update Tuesday night including a request for traffic lights at Hespeler and Main. He said, "There is an upcoming meeting scheduled with the Department of Highways to discuss that matter. I don't have the exact date but I believe it's in about ten days. The second item was to deal specifically with the Ashford/Hespeler intersection and the city has contracted MMM Consultants to do a preliminary design of the intersection to determine whether any physical adjustments have to be made to the curbing or anything like that. We're expecting that in about two to three weeks."

Mayor Chris Goertzen says city council is keen to have safety improvements in place by the time the new middle school opens in September.