The Public Works Manager for the City of Steinbach says they still have a lot of snow to move and not a lot of time to move it.

Randy Reimer says they hauled a fair amount of snow in January but indicates we only had 18 centimetres that month. He notes we got around 48 centimetres in February which kept them constantly busy plowing snow as opposed to hauling it away and removing it from boulevards.

Reimer says they now have to start thinking ahead to the spring melt.

"We probably could be hauling for another three or four weeks here quite easily," he adds, "but next week the temperatures are going to start getting warmer, and we're going to have to shift some of our resources over to starting to open up our ditches and drains."

With snow in the forecast this weekend and later next week, Reimer says they might still have some street clearing ahead of them.

Reimer says crews are out as of three or four in the morning getting snow off the main routes before the heavier traffic sets in, and then as of noon, he adds they shift over cul-de-sacs and parking lots to haul away the snow that is piled up there.

"We'll be limited to how much snow we can keep hauling and then we'll be concentrating on making sure the water is flowing the way it should and so we'll do what we can and the rest, mother nature will take care of."