Parents in Steinbach who are looking for summer activities for their children will have more options this summer. Steinbach's Parks and Recreation Department will expand its summer day camps program this year. Department head Russ Dyck says they are currently working out the details with an announcement to come sometime in the next month or so.

"Over the last number of years, we have run a few summer camps, not an extensive line-up, but we are looking to expand that this year by adding some additional weeks, a different variety of summer camp programming for kids to do during the summer months."

He adds the camps are designed to expose kids to a number of different activities.

"Most of them will be sports-type activities, not necessarily exclusively one sport all week. There will be a variety of everything from ball hockey to BMX to tennis, perhaps, a number of different things that are recreation and sport-related.

He adds the camps will run for six weeks and have space for 25 children per week.