Wednesday is Administrative Professional's Day and to celebrate Steinbach Bible College held and event for Church Administrative Assistants to show them appreciation and provide them with quality training.

SBC Communications Director Dalen Kroeker says they put this event on annually to show administrative assistants from churches across southern Manitoba how much they are appreciated and give them a chance to grow in their positions.

"SBC is about training leaders for church ministries and one of the groups of leaders that we are excited to be able to train is church admin professionals. This is a chance to give professional development to a group of people that does an incredibly valuable service in churches and we want to help them get better at their jobs and also to grow as individuals and as leaders and as ministers in the church."

Gwen Reimer is the Administrative Assistant for Ridgewood EMC. She says it is a day she really appreciates.

"This day is a great day for me to leave my laptop at home, leave my datebook at home and just come and fellowship with other people doing the same job that I do and connect and share ideas."

Reimer says a highlight of the day is always enjoying an excellent breakfast and lunch with fellow professionals. She says during workshops they focused on both personal and professional development.

"A huge part of our job has to do with how we do things spiritually. We want to do them in a God honouring way, and yet at the same time we want to be connecting in the way that we can reach a lot of people, so whether it has to do with using the computer, whether it has to do with using Google Drive like we will hear about today, whether it has to do with self-care or taking care of ourselves, it is all part of our day."

Kroeker says administrative professionals are essential and it is important to show them the appreciation they deserve.