Money raised for the Southeastman Rotary Club at the Taste of Summer Charity BBQ on Wednesday will be going right back into the community.

President Kyler Bergen says his club exists to raise funds for local not-for-profit organizations that are making a difference and notes the $1,504.15 made by recent hot dog sales will do just that: “It’s going to

Bergen is grateful to live in such a supportive community. help us grow and better-promote our fundraising events which will, in turn, raise more funds that we can give back to other organizations in town.”

According to Bergen, the biggest project the Rotary Club is currently working on is incorporating D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) into Steinbach’s Headway program as they seek to come alongside struggling youth and their families. It is initiatives like these that Bergen and his club members hope to encourage in the southeast.

Bergen says he is glad he is part of a community that is so willing to give and thanks everyone who came out to generously support the cause.