Avril Lane in La Broquerie was requested to be closed by a couple of residents.

Avril Lane provides a secondary access to Dominic Road.The residents asked the RM of La Broquerie to close Avril Lane because they see it as an eyesore, unnecessary and say it's used mostly by recreational vehicles.

"From my understanding," says Reeve Lewis Weiss. "Because of how long the main road is - it's well over 1/4 mile - then by the rules of the province there has to be a secondary access. I was told we weren't allowed to close it for that reason."

Weiss adds if they did close the road, the recreational vehicles would simply find another road to travel on, possibly the main road through the community, adding it's not enough of a reason to close the road. He says it's also a safety concern, the secondary access needs to remain open in case of an emergency situation.