The RM of Ste Anne may have stalled on what was to be their biggest project this year but were still able to accomplish a lot.

Reeve Paul Saindon says Council would have liked to see construction started on the lagoon expansion, however, they are happy to have tidied up some other areas of the RM.

struction and drainage work on Crop Road southeast of Richer, and Road 48 N as necessary repairs completed within the year.

Not only did infrastructure receive an overhaul, but Council’s methods of conducting business.

“It sure was a learning curve at holding meetings and involving people,” says Saindon of the remote meetings, “but you know what? As the year has gone by, I find it has become easier.”

Saindon says he believes most people have gotten on board with the technology being used to maintain distancing protocols and that the only issue now is extending areas of reception.

“We’re still getting some dead zones,” offers Saindon of cell service in some parts of the RM. “Sometimes I can throw a stone further than I can make a cell call, and that’s pretty sad in this area.”

One benefit of the increased online interactions according to Saindon, is the savings it has offered.

“We saved a boatload of money as far as sending delegates out to conventions,” he explains, “so I don’t know what’s going to happen next year if they’re finally going to open up to some of these conventions.”

Saindon takes care to remember the frontline workers when asked what he considers important on the year.

“I thank the frontline workers for doing all that they can and for everything that they are doing at the moment,” he says. “Just a thank you to all of the public workers and everybody that has to do with keeping things going.”