Manitoba agriculture estimates seeding is 70 per cent complete here in southeastern Manitoba. Cereal Specialist Anne Kirk says that's well ahead of the provincial average of 55 per cent. She notes while everyone wants rain, the dry conditions have been conducive to uninterrupted seeding.

"The seeding conditions are pretty reasonable because there haven't been many delays because of the lack of moisture. We are definitely needing rain at depth to have good conditions for seed germination and growth but there haven't been many seeding delays. So that's the positive spin on this."

But Kirk notes early germination reports are generally good.

"At this point, we are seeing cereals, peas and some of the early-seeding canola starting to germinate. The early-seeded cereals are getting a really good start and the stands look pretty good so far."

She says the province's weekly soil moisture maps show moisture is adequate in the 0 to 30 centimetre zone.

"So we do have moisture at depth. It's just a matter of if those plants can germinate and those roots can reach that moisture."

Meanwhile, she says an estimated 50-75 per cent of winter wheat crops have had to be re-seeded due to severe winter kill. Kirk says the high failure rate is unique to this corner of the province.