The organizer of the first municipal clean-up day in the RM of La Broquerie is pleased with the results. Janelle Nadeau-Wilson says, considering they arranged the day on short notice, the turnout was good.

"We had just over 70 people help out in total who picked up over 100 full bags of garbage. The dumpster that we had there is filled to the brim and actually overflowing so we're very happy with that. Everybody seemed to enjoy it and it created more awareness, so the atmosphere was positive there."

Nadeau-Wilson says they picked up garbage in ditches along Highway #52 near the Village of La Broquerie, as well as along Loewen Boulevard, Kokomo Road, Borland Road and Carriere Road. She notes they also had a great team from Marchand Chapel that cleaned up two miles of ditches along the highway around Marchand.

Nadeau-Wilson hopes they can expand the initiative next year.

"We knew going into this we didn't take too much time to plan because it was kind of a last minute idea. We figured this would be our first year to test the waters and see how it goes. We hope this will continue to grow every year and we'll be able to cover more and more ground."