There is a new service in Steinbach that can help you if your home burns down.

Michelle Ford is the Emergency Management Coordinator for Red Cross Manitoba. She says Steinbach now has its own chapter of volunteers ready to help in cases of house or apartment fires.

“When the team receives a call we’ll arrange a time and place to meet the family after we’ve confirmed with the Fire Department that the fire did happen,” states Ford, explaining the process. “Then, we sit down with them and initiate a conversation to find out how the Red Cross can help.”

Ford says it is Red Cross’ goal to provide immediate assistance and have a long term plan within 72 hours of the disaster. Prior to their physical presence in the city, which began in summer, Ford notes that her organization has always been accessible by phone. Now, however, with a local group of committed volunteers, these volatile situations can be handled with greater efficiency.

“To have a team that is there in person to help their local community is a really big asset.”

Steinbach is already home to a large number of charitable programs and non-profit organizations and Ford says a huge part of what the Red Cross does in times of stress is pair these entities with the people who need them.

With an active local presence, Steinbach Red Cross is prepared to help in family emergencies occurring anywhere within a 100-kilometre radius around the city.

Ford says Steinbach’s Personal Disaster Assistance Team, as it is called, is not fully staffed yet and is still in need of a few additional volunteers.

“I don’t need anyone with special skills or experience, she says "I am just looking for someone who is really passionate about helping their community.”

Anyone interested in offering their services is welcome to visit the Red Cross website for more information.