Wednesday's high winds of up to 80 kilometres per hour caused damage to property throughout South Eastern Manitoba.

Steve Kehler of Peak Roofing in Niverville says he received 125 insurance roofing claims Wednesday and was told to expect another 125 more Thursday.

Kehler says the damage claims he's received range in severity from a few missing shingles to major damage. “Lots of open roofs, even a couple of houses had up to 80% of shingles ripped off of their south sides.”

Kehler estimates that people can expect to wait a couple of weeks for the entire process of having a wind-damage claim assessed and repaired.

Along with property damage, road signs were also a casualty of the high winds on Wednesday.

Brett Wareham of Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation says signs regularly get blown down and go missing during wind and rain storms. "Especially in springtime with the frost coming out, the sign posts are a little soft, so it doesn't take a lot to blow them over."

Wareham says crews were out Thursday morning getting inventory of what needs to be fixed. "They'll be dealing with the stop signs first - those are first priority, then the route markers will be dealt with as we have signs available to put up."