Before joining the Loewen Henderson Banman Legault team, Eugene Warwaruk’s career took some interesting turns, beginning on the farm.

'I grew up on a family farm in western Manitoba,' explains Warwaruk.

Then, in 1999, Warwaruk and his three brothers opened a restaurant in Winnipeg called Luxsole. While building a successful restaurant business was very rewarding, Warwaruk wanted to further his education, so he went back to university where he earned a business degree, then continued on to law school.

'Every step along the way has really informed my experience,' says Warwaruk, 'and that’s why I chose my practice as a solicitor or business lawyer. I really enjoy assisting clients to help them with whatever project they're working on.'

Over the years, Warwaruk found a passion for small business and wanted to do his part in supporting small business owners. 'With the growing economy out here, and the diversified economy, it’s been really good to be a part of that whole environment and help (clients) with my legal background,' he says.

Aside from supporting business, he enjoys being involved in the home-buying process: 'It’s always exciting working with a first-time home buyer, or someone looking to move to a different area,' says Warwaruk. 'I really like dealing with a lot of aspects (of the real estate transaction) that people don’t deal with in their day-to-day life, but we do as lawyers.'

While he enjoys legal work, meeting new people and connecting with the community are Warwaruk’s favourite parts of the profession. 'I really appreciate having a profession that allows me to connect with people.”

Warwaruk has been practicing law in Steinbach for seven years and moved to Steinbach in 2016 with his wife and two children, where they have enjoyed putting down roots in a friendly and welcoming community.

Warwaruk is happy to join the Loewen Henderson Banman Legault team. 'I’m looking forward to building the next stage of my practice along with [them].' You can learn more about Warwaruk’s services, and find Loewen Henderson Banman Legault’s full list of services, at