The Jarvis Picklyk Memorial Rec Hockey Tournament is taking place this weekend at the Vita Arena and seven teams have signed up for the fun. 

Vice President of the rink and one of the event organizers, Steven Watts, says there will be a full canteen. 

“There's going to be pierogi dinner with farmer sausage and schmauntfat, and there's going to be taco in a bag and all kinds of goodies in there.” 

He says the tournament is raising funds for the arena. 

“Being so far away, we don't have minor hockey teams or anything to help support us, so it's all locally funded between the people that donate for the free skate and this Picklyk tournament is one of the biggest events that we have in the year.” 

He says this tournament has been running annually for so long they have lost track. 

“I've been told around 45, nobody actually has an exact number. We've been trying to get a hold of some of the elderly people that used to be in charge of it.”  

Along with bragging rights, the winners also get their team on the new trophy. 

“We have a new trophy that we purchased last year, due to the fact that it's been so many years, the old trophy got so full with all the names of winners we bought a new one. And then being a beer league hockey tournament, they get a case of beer to kind of celebrate with their teammates.” 

It costs $5 a day to come and watch. 

To get more information, contact Steven Watts at 204-905-1416