Southern Health has asked Steinbach city council to rezone two properties along Hospital Street, just north of the Bethesda Regional Health Centre. The properties are at 415 and 421 Hospital Street. Councillor Jac Siemens says Southern Health wants them re-designated from residential zoning to institutional zoning.

"Southern Health owns a lot of the properties along Henry and Hospital and they are looking to rezone some of the properties so they can build some garages or some storage facilities in that area to supplement their campus."

Southern Health wants to build a storage shed or garage on the vacant property at 421 Hospital. The shed would be accessed through the Bethesda Place parking lot. It wants to continue using a house at 415 Hospital as an office and says the zoning needs to be changed to reflect that use.

City council has given First Reading to the bylaw.

A public hearing will be held at the December 4th city council meeting where neighbours can voice their opinions on the plan before council considers final approval.

Map showing shaded properties that are up for rezoning.