This is National Non-Smoking week across Canada. It's the 37th annual week aimed at making Canadians a smoke-free society.

"This weeks objective is to educate Canadians about the dangers of smoking, prevent non-smokers from starting to smoke and becoming addicted to tobacco, help smokers quit, and to assist in the attainment of a smoke-free society in Canada" said Southern Health Healthy Living Coordinator Irene Ascough.

Part of this week includes the Manitoba quits challenge. The objective is to get Manitoba smokers to quit for just 24 hours. A series of once a month quit days that will help contestants get ready to quit for good. Quitting is a process and can take time, planning and practice. That is why the Manitoba Lung association has decided to offer Manitoban's twelve chances to quit over 2016. The idea behind the multiple opportunities to quit is to help prepare people to quit smoking for good. Practice, as they say, makes perfect.

This years motto 'Every Quit Counts' suggests that each quit attempt helps a person acquire the skills, mental strength and motivation to eventually quit for ever. No quit attempt is a "failure" and trying for even one day might be all someone needs to get on the right track.