The RM of La Broquerie has sent a response to rural residents of La Broquerie who have attended the last three council meetings voicing their concerns about property taxes and road conditions.  

They responded through email to concerned rural residents on Friday, May 24, two days after their previous council meeting.  

In this email, they address residents' questions about the tax increase, the difference in the rural and LUD budget, and garbage and recycling services.  

The email explains why the rural area received an additional tax increase on top of the LUD’s 5.5 per cent.  

“The request from local ratepayers to the RM for an increase in gravelling of roads resulted in a 3.9 per cent increase to the rural mill rate, for a total tax increase of 9.4 per cent.”  

Council increased the gravel budget from $475,000 in 2023 to $600,000 now in 2024, an increase of $125,000.

They note a $40,000 increase to the grader contractor was also required to spread the additional gravel.  

The email explains this represents an increase of 0.59 to the mill rate which is fully borne by the ratepayers in the rural area.  

The RM has provided the numbers showing their increase in road maintenance.  

In 2022 the RM had $1,549,348 in rural road expenses, in 2023 it was $1,680,620, and now for 2024, they have budgeted $1,810,400. 

The RM reiterates that the rural and LUD budgets are separate.  

“In 2024, the LUD committee maintained the same mill rate as 2023. Therefore, the only increase for LUD residents is the 5.5 per cent increase at large. Additional services were added in the rural portion of the 2024 budget resulting in a 9.4 per cent increase to the rural residents.”  

On March 27, council gave third and final reading to a By-Law to levy taxes for the year of 2024. After third reading, the budget for 2024 was set.

The RM informs residents that they have 237 miles of roads, which includes the LUD, subdivisions, Zhoda, and Marchand.  

“Road maintenance is ongoing and given the weather conditions during the 2024 winter and spring seasons, our crews are working as best they can, within the available resources, to maintain the roads.”  

They also ask residents to note that although the RM collects taxes on behalf of the local school divisions, the municipality has no authority over the school tax portion of the property tax bill.  

“Almost 3/8 to half of your tax bill is attributed to school taxes.”  

Lastly, the RM explains that curbside garbage pickup occurs within the LUD of La Broquerie every Friday and is paid fully by the residents in the LUD.  

“Rural residents must make their own arrangements for having household waste brought to the landfill site. The RM will not be reimbursing any costs to rural residents for garbage and recycling.”