Founder of Steinbach’s Fruit Share program, Rebecca Hiebert says this year’s dry heat has not lessened the fruit there is to be picked, but rather, provided variety.

Apples picked by fruit share participants (Photo credit: Rebecca Hiebert)“Fruit Share is a non-profit organization that rescues backyard fruits and veggies that owners can’t get to,” explains Hiebert to those who may not know, “Whatever is harvested is shared between the owner, the picker, and a local charity.”

In regards to the weather this year, Hiebert says different conditions produce different fruit which makes every year different from the next. She observes large apple trees and saskatoon bushes did abnormally well this year, while cherries and plums did poorly.

Not only is picking excess fruit a great way of reducing waste and gifting charities with produce, exclaims Hiebert, but it’s a great way to unite people as well.

Family enjoying freshly pressed cider together (Photo credit: Rebecca Hiebert)

Hiebert describes one of her favorite moments from the season: “We had a cider press pick where we had three different families with young kids out picking apples on a farm, and we picked all the apples, and we all pressed the apples together. Everyone involved was tasting the cider as it was being pressed, and we shared some with the homeowner. It was a great community feel.”

Over 100 people were officially registered with Fruit Share this year, indicates Hiebert, and a good time was had by all.