The debate about the relationship between bikes and cars has been ongoing for years, with many still asking whether bikes should be allowed on the roads. 

Lesley Corbett, a Steinbach resident, was enjoying a bike ride when there was a mishap between her and a motorist. 

Corbett says she was cycling on the right side of the road and crossed to the left side when it was safe. She used her left arm as an indicator to let the motorist know she was making a left turn. 

“I was driving North on Old Tom Road, and I was going to make a left turn. But what happened to me was somebody was really trying to get around me,” she explains. “They didn't like it that I was on the road. When I turned left and I got off the road, they started honking their horn like they were so angry at me because I was there, and my heart was racing after that.” 

When cyclists are driving on the road, they follow the same rules as motorists. Cars should wait behind the cyclist when making a left turn as if the bike were a car.  

Corbett discusses some things she hopes to see for the future of cyclists in Steinbach. 

“There are a lot of cities around North America that are known for being cyclist-friendly and my hope would be that Steinbach could be put on the map in that regard,” she says. “There are programs where you can invite people from MPI to come and speak to communities.” 

She continues, “It’s really important that there’s an increased level of awareness because I think that people are used to there not being a lot of cyclists, so they don’t really know how to treat them on the road. I think as Steinbach becomes more active, there’s nice weather, people are out on their bikes, this is going to be really imperative.”  

Corbett shares that she has traveled to other cities that are cyclist friendly and explains that she felt very safe. 

“I would like to see Steinbach become such an aware city that people that visit can feel safe and know that it’s something we do, we care about our cyclists.”  

Mayor Earl Funk speaks about what can be done to build a better relationship between bikes and cars. 

“As drivers on the road, we need to be calm, we need to be relaxed,” says Funk. “Take your time on the road, it’s much safer everyone.” 

He explains that cyclists should be on the road, as it is not safe for them to use the sidewalk. 

“That’s why we have the ‘Share the Road’ program so those bikes are on the road and not on the sidewalk,” he says. “Maybe we do need a bit of a campaign in vehicle safety around the pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and recognize that they belong on the road as well.” 

Funk wants motorists to be mindful of cyclists, seniors using scooters, and other pedestrians because they are the most vulnerable people on the streets.  

The City of Steinbach’s ‘Bike Safety Program’ states that, ‘in order to co-exist safely, mutual respect and understanding is needed between cyclists and motorists, as they share the same rights and responsibilities on public streets.’ 

-With files from Corny Rempel