Members of Steinbach city council and the city's administration will spend this weekend at a hotel in Winnipeg, making plans for the future. Mayor Earl Funk says the primary objective of the fall study session is to finalize the 2019 budget. But he adds they will also be talking about a couple of key initiatives.

Mayor Earl Funk"This one is especially exciting because we will be talking about economic development, we'll be talking about recreational renewal and that will include some passive recreation such as bike paths. We will also be looking at all the history of recreation as far as multiplexes go, from 2011-on and then developing strategies going forward."

As far as the budget for next year, Funk is hoping that council will be able to achieve a zero increase in taxes.

"I always hope to be at a zero net increase, but we will see what happens. But that is definitely the focus, to hold the line on taxes."