The Manitoba 55+ Games took place in Brandon this June, and a team of bowlers from Steinbach brought home the gold in five-pin bowling.  

The team has been together for two years, and this year they decided to go to provincials.  

Abe Penner, captain of the team, says the 55+ Games have different age categories.  

“There's 55 plus, which means every player must be 55 or more. If players are older, they can play down, but you can't play up.”  

The other categories are 65+, 75+, and for singles, there is 85+.  

“We had a player who was, I believe in his 90s. He came back with a bronze medal in 85+.”  

Penner says the tournament rules are pins over average.  

“So if a person has an average 150 and scores 160, that's a +10. Somebody else has an average 170 scores, 160 that's a -10. So it's pins over average.”  

He says it didn’t look like they had a chance of winning in the first game.  

“I had a way lower score than I wanted, I won't admit out low. But the second game I made my average, third game I had a really good game. And the rest of the players were sort of up and down, but everyone contributed. And I want to emphasize it's a team thing, it's not one individual.”  

The scores of everyone on the team combined make up the final score.  

He says he had a feeling they might win after their last game.  

“Before that we didn't have a chance, but the last game all of a sudden things just worked. Which is kind of miraculous seeing my knee was killing me.”  

Next year, the Manitoba 55+ Games are being hosted in Steinbach.  

Penner hopes to play in the games again next year with his team.  

“We're playing again next year in the league, so I'm trusting we will be joining in again as a team.” 


With files from Michelle Sawatzky