A woman from Ste. Anne has been honoured by the Governor General of Canada with the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers. Christine Beaumont received the award at a special ceremony last week in Victoria, B.C. She says the award came as a total surprise and she still has no idea who nominated her.

Beaumont was very active volunteering in the Francophone community when she lived in Winnipeg. And she has continued her volunteer work since moving to Ste. Anne. Beaumont helped to start 'Tailored For Success' in Steinbach, which provides new or gently used career clothing to disadvantaged men and women who are entering the workforce.

"We knew of an existing program in Winnipeg called The Clothes Closet and said, 'Why don't we bring this to Steinbach? So that was super exciting and very fulfilling because you're starting something from nothing and growing it into something that can help people."

Beaumont, who works as a Financial Advisor and Investment Representative in Steinbach, is also on the board of the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce, but that's not all.

"Last year, I was involved with Let's Run Steinbach. Running is a big part of my family, my husband runs marathons, so I thought, let's get involved and help with that and that was really fun. And, just recently, this past year, the curling club in Ste. Anne, where I live, has been having some difficulties and so I thought, I like curling and there's probably some things that I can do here to try to help and so I've gotten involved there too."

She says her parents set a tremendous example for her of volunteering and giving back to the community.

"My parents were always involved growing up in all sorts of different things, the school parent committee, both my parents were presidents of Festival du Voyageur at separate times and so I guess I had that example of giving back to the community. I also saw what it brought to my parents and to other people in getting together for a common cause where there are no (personal) financial objectives, it's really just about wanting to do something and achieve something together."

Beaumont hopes to instill a similar desire in her children.

"I hope to be an example for my kids although now they say, ' Mom why do you have to be on this committee? I hope that one day they can take that example and want to take it back as well because you get so much out of it. As much as you're giving time, you're also developing personally."

She reiterates her thanks to whoever nominated her for the medal.

"I look around and even the people that I work with, in the different projects, that I'm involved in, there are so many other people that I think would be deserving. And so, it warms my heart to know that someone noticed and thought that I was worthy of the award."