Snow clearing crews are out in full force this Friday as this late-season snowstorm continues. 

Randy Reimer is the head of public works for the City of Steinbach. He says his crews got an early start Friday morning. 

"We are still trying to get collector streets open so for the most part people can travel into all areas. There are some areas where because of the high winds are a little worse than others so we are trying to tackle some of those areas that maybe have some heavier accumulations and then finish the day with trying to get collector streets open."

Reimer says in many cases, they are starting by simply opening up the centre of the street without blocking driveways so people can at least get around town. He notes this is the biggest dump of snow his crews have had to deal with this season. 

"I don’t know exactly how much we got, it is a little hard to say because the winds picked up, but I am guessing we had somewhere around 20 centimetres that came down since it began Thursday so this is definitely heavier snowfall than we have had this winter."

Reimer expects the clean-up to last a few days. 

"We plan to put in a good day tomorrow and then we will kind of see where we are at. We are hoping to get a lot of the collector streets, we might not have all the residential areas totally cleaned up by tomorrow but we hope to at least, for the most part, make streets and subdivisions accessible so that people can get in and out."