The RM of De Salaberry is looking at a similar budget this year.

According to Reeve Darrel Cure, Council made their decision with COVID-19 considerations.

“What we’ve done to subsidize the taxes is transferred money from reserves that balance the budget so residents would not see a tax hike in 2020,” says Cure.

“We’re hoping that once COVID is done the RM of De Salaberry will be able to proceed with its normal budget and we won’t skip a beat.”

The budget sees the mill rate for the rural area and at large going down by 9% and 11% respectfully, with the LUD mill rate remaining at 8%.

“From a dollar perspective there’s really no change,” says Chief Administrative Officer Denise Parent. “That was due to COVID and to try and respect what people’s financial situations would be.”

Parent says the RM’s largest expenditure will be a road construction project that paves the way for future development. Ste Lucie, Dubois, First Street, and De Salaberry in St Malo are part of the $646,000 project that is slated to be completed by the end of June.

The RM’s other major expenditure was the St Malo fire department’s brand new firetruck which took a year and a half to build.