Manitoba has farmers in the fields looking to seed before the season's over, with progress trailing closely behind the five-year average.

The latest crop report Is summing up that progress, along with giving a look at current moisture levels.

Provincial Pulse and Soybean Specialists for Manitoba Agriculture and editor of the provincial crop report Dennis Legue talks about the progress farmers are making.

"The first thing we look at is where provincial seeding is right now and we're sitting at 47 per cent complete around the province, which is slightly behind the five-year average of 52 per cent. The area that's probably furthest behind seeding is the Interlake area. They've had a bit more rainfall this spring, a bit more delayed, and they're a bit behind the rest of the other areas right now. So the Interlake area is currently sitting at about 30 per cent complete."

In terms of crops, Legue says that cereals are currently the furthest along.

"The crops that are the furthest along would be spring wheat and barley. They're sitting at 77 per cent complete across the province and for the most part, the central region is probably the most advanced in the planting, they're about 85 per cent complete."

"When you look at some of the other crops like canola, canola planting is at 20 per cent across the province and sunflowers are sitting at 26 per cent. When we look at the pulses and soybeans, the crops are sitting at 90% complete across the province. The Interlake area is a bit further behind, only at 45 per cent, not as many acres as it would be in west and northwest areas. So that makes up more of the field pea acres. Soybean planting right now is sitting at 34per cent complete throughout the province.

For forages and pastures for livestock, Legue says the province is faring well.

"I guess warmer temperatures and recent precipitation, have helped benefit some of the hay and pasture crops, we've noticed a lot of growth, seeing hay growth is now up to 8 to 10 inches in height, plant pastures and alfalfa are quickly greening up. There's been some challenges up in the Interlake area as well, some perennial rye grass had some significant winter kill in that region, but generally, hay and pasture fields are growing well but would benefit from some warmer temperatures."