A grant from Golden West Radio will give the Steinbach Arts Council an opportunity to hold innovative workshops for local musical theatre performers.

SAC Chief Creative Officer Cindy Rempel Patrick says the grant is specifically designed to help support local music talent.

"This funding is going to support the development of local and emerging artists performing in a musical operetta that we are bringing forth to the community. They are going to receive professional training, innovative workshops, and networking opportunities that are specifically designed for development in this musical genre."

Rempel Patrick says this will also help more advanced musical theatre performers enhance and fine-tune their skills. She notes this coming year they will be putting on a Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta which is a little different then the musicals they have done in the last few years and these workshops will help develop performers for this style of musical theatre.

Mersadie Thiessen has been in a number of local musical theatre productions and says these types of professional development workshops are very valuable.

"I think that when you go into rehearsals then, you will be able to have a better understanding of what you are dealing with, what you want to do on the stage because it is a different type of show and I have found that with the clinics that I have done, they broaden you and make you a more well-rounded person. They give you tips and tricks and I think that is really great that we have the opportunity to have those."

Rempel Patrick says they are very excited to get funding for the development of local performers.