The La Broquerie splash pad is currently not functioning. 

As the staff at the RM of La Broquerie were getting their splash pad ready for the summer season, they learned that the feature pump had failed. 

CAO for the RM of La Broquerie, Andrew Glassco, says the pump could not be repaired, so they are replacing it. 

“The feature pump allows the features to spray or dump water. Initially we had trouble finding a replacement pump, but we've located a drop in replacement and we're waiting on the supplier and we hope to have it soon.” 

They cannot confirm a specific date, but they hope the splash pad will be open to the public soon. 

Once they get the pump, it'll take one or two days to get the splash pad operational.  

Glassco says the community is very fortunate to have a recreational amenity of this nature. 

“This recreational amenity is five years old and has been highly utilized by many of our residents and visitors to our community, who come from the surrounding areas and as far away as Winnipeg. Given the high utilization of this amenity, the most logical decision for our council was to proceed with the replacement.” 

The pump has been ordered, and the cost of replacement is $12,900 plus taxes.

The La Broquerie splash pad is utilized by many residents and visitors.