Residents of the Rural Municipality of La Broquerie will now receive a rebate on a Jake Epp Library membership.

Jake Epp Head Librarian Lorraine Trudeau explains a resolution was passed to provide easier financial access to the library with a $30 rebate on membership for those living within the RM of La Broquerie.  Trudeau says La Broquerie has a public library in one of their schools but it's not as accessible to residents.

"Steinbach tax dollars is what supports the library," notes Trudeau.  "So if you're paying your taxes to another RM that's of course up to your representatives to see what they want to do for a library for you.  Everybody should have library services, so I think it should be discussed.  But we're really excited to be able to do that and work with the RM of La Broquerie.  So if you live in the RM of La Broquerie, come and visit us."

Trudeau adds the library also helps provide resources for students to help with whatever they're studying in school.