The Richer School will not be running classes this morning.

Seine River School Division Superintendent Mike Borgfjord says the school is without power this morning as the result of a widespread hydro outage.

Borgfjord says the Richer School buses will not be running this morning and classes will be cancelled until the afternoon. He notes they are expecting power to be restored sometime around 10 am. Borgfjord says there will be some staff at the school just in case some students are dropped off by their parents.

"Parents will be able to drop off kids in the afternoon once the power is back on," reports Borgfjord. "But temporarily, for the morning, we're not going to be able to operate."

Meanwhile, Borgfjord says if this was any other year, they would consider sending the students from Richer to another school nearby, such as Ste. Anne. However, because of COVID-19 cohorts, this is not something that is possible today.