We were excited to be joined by Wes Heppner Wednesday morning, the Radio Pastor of Gospel Message Ministry, which you’ve enjoyed on our stations for decades... all the way back to 1957 to be exact!

Wes is originally from Winkler, growing up there, with his parents still calling the community home. Along with his family, he now calls Seminole, Texas home. He joined us to talk about the recent addition of the English Gospel Message Radio Ministry inspirational program to our line up on Sunday nights at 830pm.

As Wes shared with Morning Show Co-Host Chris Sumner, if you consider the beginnings of the Gospel Message Radio Ministry program on Golden West, the English version of the program isn’t quite new, exactly.



Wes also spoke about the differences between the two versions of the program, and why the Ministry felt it was important to offer it in both languages.



Gospel Message Radio Ministry which you can listen to Sunday nights, the English program at 830pm, and Friday nights the Low German program at 930pm.