The Mayor of Ritchot is urging dog owners to make sure their animals are licensed.

Jackie Hunt says there is some confusion amongst ratepayers over what is allowed in rural communities compared to what happens in Winnipeg. She reminds ratepayers that there is a three dog 

Dog tag (Photo by: RM of Ritchot)limit and all dogs must be registered.

"We want to make sure that we don't have dogs roaming around," stresses Hunt. "That occasionally happens and we want to make sure that if they are that we can get them to their owners as quickly as possible."

To date, 91 dogs have been licensed in Ritchot. Hunt says if a dog is picked up and contact can not be made with its owner, they do have a place to keep the animal until contact is made. And she says that is the goal, to make sure stray dogs are not running around and causing trouble.

The cost to license a dog prior to March 1st is $15 if it is spayed or neutered and $20 if not. Beginning March 1st, those prices jump to $25 for spayed or neutered and $30 for dogs that are not. Hunt says licensing a dog helps the municipality know where that animal lives and that its vaccinations are up to date.