10 year old Noah Friesen has been on quite the journey in the past three years.

Noah walked into the MIX 96 studio and was surprised to meet two Steinbach Pistons players; Connor Martin and Denis Bosc. Noah is getting ready for a very special event on Wednesday, his first ever puck drop at Pink in the Rink at the TG Smith Centre in support of the Canadian Cancer Society.

On July 4th 2012, 7 year old Noah Friesen was diagnosed with Leukemia, his mother Melissa explains what happened after that faithful day. "He started Chemotherapy the next day and chemo continued that first year, it was quite intense. A lot of in and out of the hospital and then chemo every day until September 1st of 2015."

Chris Friesen, Noah's father talked about the mental side of the disease being harder to deal with. "It brought us together but at times it felt like it tore us apart. The emotional struggles that come with having a kid on such powerful drugs that they take for chemo treatment. It's almost that the emotional part of it at times is much more difficult than the physical part of it which you don't anticipate at the beginning of it."

Pistons Connor Martin and Denis Bosc greeted Noah on Tuesday morning with a special t-shirt that will be signed by the whole team after the Pistons game on Wednesday night. Noah will be dropping the puck for the ceremonial faceoff on Pink in the Rink, a special night where it is all in support of the Canadian Cancer Society. The Pistons will wear pink jerseys for the occasion.

At first, Noah was a little bit shy and quiet but after he left the station, Martin and Bosc joined the Friesen family at Chicken Chef in Steinbach for breakfast. Noah really opened up, talking about his love of fast cars, skateboarding, and drawing.

He admitted to being a bit nervous about tomorrow and asked Bosc how it will all go down. "So you'll come out on the carpet," the Pistons forward explained; "and you'll have the puck in hand, both captains will meet at centre ice, they will take your picture and then you drop the puck. You shake both captains’ hands and take the puck from Tyler [Captain Tyler Penner of the Pistons]. You'll wave to the crowd and they'll give you a standing ovation." At this point, Noah seems to calm down knowing more of how it will all happen, "Then you'll sing O’ Canada and..." Noah's eyes get wide as he stares at Bosc, "just kidding" said Bosc, and his parents and Noah all have a laugh. "I could have done it" the 10 year old says with a smile, "I do know all the words."

Noah did have one request for the Pistons players at the table. “Can you wear gold in support of all kids’ cancers?” Martin said of course and then did one better. “How about we get you a stick, the same one the players use and I know that we have a gold sharpie, what if the whole team signed it for you in gold?”

The smile on Noah’s face and the strength of the Friesen family is something that no one will ever forget.

For more information on Pink in the Rink click here