Niverville is seeing consistent growth with the number of building permits pulled in the first half of 2016 very similar to the same period in 2015.

From the beginning of January to the end of June there was a total of 40 building permits pulled compared to 38 in the first half of 2015. Of the 40 permits pulled so far this year 16 of them have been for single family homes while in the whole of 2015, there were 23 single family homes built in Niverville.

Mayor Myron Dyck says it seems that there has been a shift this year with more focus on single family homes and less on multifamily homes, noting any construction in your community is a good thing.

“I believe that the market up until 2013, 2014 was going along at a clip that a lot of people thought was unsustainable. I believe , working in the appraisal industry like I do, that there was a little bit of a breather for 2014, 2015 and now that  we have kind of seen interest rates, there isn't a big scare about them going up anytime soon, the demand for housing has picked up.”

Dyck says most of the new construction has been taking place within existing developments. He notes developers would like to see quicker growth, but it is encouraging to see Niverville maintain steady growth. He adds there is also some positive signs on the commercial side as well.

“Tim Horton's and Shell should be up and operational by the end of the year, so that should be something in play there, so we are seeing a little bit of business as well that are either coming or expanding. That is just because of the increased population and foot traffic through their doors.”