Niverville’s Operations Department is hard at work renovating the bathrooms in the Centennial Arena and giving the dog park some much-needed TLC. 

Recreation Facilities Manager Warren Britton says they are reconfiguring the bathrooms in the Centennial. 

“We've kind of blown out the four bathrooms in the main lobby and made them into two, which allows us to actually have accessible washrooms, which to us is a really big deal. It's a nicer space, it's more accommodating.” 

Britton notes this has been a project that they have been trying to get to since before COVID. He notes they have been working around budget constraints and were finally able to make it happen this year.  

“Our hope is to be opened in about a week. We may not finish all the painting and everything, but that's something we can kind of pick away at throughout the season on slower days, so that's not really a huge concern to us.” 

The compressors in the Centennial Arena are now up and running, and Britton says they have begun making ice so that rink should be in use very shortly. 

The niverville Centennial Arena bathroom project

Meanwhile, Britton says the town’s Operations Department is also working on the dog park. He notes they have been wanting to add space to the dog park because part of the old space became a construction zone for the CRRC. 

“So, once all the construction moved out, we've been able to re-landscape the area, get it draining properly, get some grass established, fencing now in, we want to get it sprayed and also get the features put back in before we get it opened again.” 

Britton adds they hope to have the dog park done before winter weather sets in permanently.  

Niverville dog park