The newest addition to Springfield’s recreation arsenal promises kids hours of free fun as the weather warms up.

Mayor Tiffany Fell says her Council has chosen to invest in a splash pad right next to their municipal office in Oakbank and the facility should be ready just in time for summer. The roughly 600,000 dollar project is part of a larger recreation hub which presently includes a skate park and will eventually include a playground as well.

“We just want to make sure we are providing amenities for families all over the RM,” comments Fell who says she has already received a lot of positive feedback from her fellow residents. "We have a number of wonderfully run community clubs throughout Springfield and this just is another piece of recreation that we feel is important for active living and to keep residents healthy.”

Fell says Springfield has been looking forward to this kind of infrastructure for a long time and she is glad to finally see it become a reality.

Photo credit: RM of Springfield