Residents at Menno Home in Grunthal should be able to enjoy a brand-new sunroom later this year. And, Chief Executive Officer Dave Claringbould says this is thanks in large part to a provincial grant they recently learned they would be receiving.

When our provincial government announced the recipients from its Building Sustainable Communities program, the list included Menno Home. And the funding total is $228,195.

"We're very fortunate," says Claringbould. "The project has been a while in the making for sure. And this remaining money will allow us to move forward and get the space built."

Claringbould explains that they are planning to build the sunroom in the courtyard behind Menno Home. He notes the courtyard was redone in 2018 and space was set aside to build the sunroom.

The structure will be about 1,000 square feet in size. Claringbould explains it will be connected to Menno Home in order that it can be used year-round. He notes it will also be accessible from the outside.

"It's additional space for the elders at Menno Home, along with the community, family and friends," Claringbould points out. "Gives us an extra recreational space, church services, basically whatever we need that additional space for."

As mentioned, Claringbould says for many years they have been looking for ways to create more space for Menno Home. He adds the idea for a four-season sunroom came up several years ago and they have been able to get the funding in place to soon make that happen. 

According to the CEO, the total cost of this project will be approximately $400,000. He notes the cost is higher because it is a commercial build. In addition to the $228,195 provincial grant, Menno Home will be using donations and fundraising dollars to cover the remaining cost. 

"We're very appreciative of the community support we've had for this project and along with the provincial support," adds Claringbould. "We look forward to finally getting this structure built and being able to use the additional space for the elders in the community."

Claringbould says construction is being planned for fall. He notes that will allow residents to enjoy the backyard at Menno Home this summer.