Our provincial government has announced a Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program.

Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Doyle Piwniuk says the program is available to individuals and municipalities experiencing damages to infrastructure, private residences, farms or small businesses due to spring flooding.

"Our government is committed to supporting Manitobans in addressing the cost of damages related to spring flooding," says Piwniuk. "We continue to work with local authorities on response efforts and a program will be available to assess damages and provide assistance for those who need it."

DFA programs provide provincial assistance for certain disaster-related losses when a widespread natural disaster strikes and creates an unreasonable financial burden. DFA helps Manitobans recover by providing financial assistance for uninsurable losses to basic and essential property. DFA will also assist with verified livestock losses.

Manitobans are encouraged to check with their insurance providers to review their policy coverage before applying for DFA, notes the minister. Insurable costs, such as sewer backup, are not covered by DFA. Some Manitobans may have also purchased overland flood insurance.

The federal government may provide financial assistance to provincial and territorial governments through Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements following large-scale natural disasters. The minister notes the province is confident the impacts of the spring 2022 storm will be eligible for federal funding.

When the province establishes a DFA program that is eligible for cost-sharing with the federal government, municipalities will have the option to opt into the Mitigation and Preparedness Program (MPP) to invest their cost-sharing amount into a mitigation or preparedness project. More information on this program will be shared with eligible municipalities.

The Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization will be offering webinars for the public to provide an overview of DFA and answer questions. More information about dates, times and how to register will be available online in the coming weeks.

For more information about eligibility or to apply, visit www.manitoba.ca/emo/dfa or email dfa@gov.mb.ca.

As of Monday morning, 300 residences have evacuated, not including Peguis First Nation. There are currently 26 municipalities and four First Nations under a state of local emergency. Piwniuk says costs from this spring's flood will far exceed $10 million.