Yep -- no excuses. We learned on today's "Did You Know" that all you have to be is a Canadian citizen, 18 years of age or older and have lived in Manitoba for the past 6 months. That's it. And there's help for you, no matter what might keep you from voting. And as Daryl Braun said when we chatted this morning -- if you don't vote -- you can't complain!! The polls are open till 8:00 tonight. Maybe we'll see you there! 

Now, here's a poem by Richard S. Unruh that we shared this morning called "Privilege with Responsibility"

This is our country from coast to coast
Of all earh's creatures, we enjoy the most
This is where I work, retire, serve and give
Oh Canada, where else would I want to live?

I want my cause to be honest and true
Consistency and integrity through and through
I've asked myself what can I do
to help myself and my neighbor too.

It's our privilege and duty to become involved
Cast your vote for issues to be resoved
To say I don't care, it doesn't really matter,
Is irresponsible and frivolous chatter.

 We must not be lead astray by hearsay
But get the actual facts before voting day
If our enviable life style we wish to retain
Exercise your privilege, be diligent to vote again.

Lets not sit back, gripe and grumble
Carelessly unconcerned, lest the good life crumble
The ball is in your court you make the call
Give it your best shot and don't drop the ball.

Before you mark your X on that ballot
Consider how it affects your wallet
Help keep our country Glorious and Free
Democracy at work that's what we'll see.