With just over six weeks until Christmas, Steinbach is looking very festive. The city activated its Christmas lights Monday evening in keeping with its tradition of doing so on November 12th. City spokesperson Heather Chambers Ewen says they have 36,000 lights on about 110 trees and they will be turned on every night until the new year. She adds it is a big job to put up and care for the lights.

The Gazebo at K.R. Barkman Park

"We do our best to maintain all of those lights. It's a lot of different lights to keep running every year. Last year, we did add a few trees right by the water tower and we also upgraded some of the lights at city hall. Some of them were getting a little bit old so we did update those and put in new LED lights at city hall. We don't add a ton every year but we certainly make sure that they are all lit up and ready to go for the season."

Chambers Ewen notes the trees along Reimer Avenue, opposite city hall, have 4,200 Christmas bulbs on them. Other locations to be lit up include the gazebo at K.R. Barkman Park, trees at the water tower and the trees along Main Street. She adds the lights are much appreciated by residents.

"We always get great feedback from residents that they really love the lights and we're glad to have them back on again this year."