If you feel like none of the three major political parties are quite what you are looking for, one Niverville resident would like to pose a fourth option.

Garrett Hawgood senses that there has been some dissatisfaction with the way other parties have conducted themselves in the past number of years and felt there needed to be an alternative. That, he says, is his primary reason for running as the Green Party candidate.

“I feel like the decisions that I want the government to be focusing on lay more with the Greens and there was no candidate," he explains, "I want to cast a vote for a party that is blazing the trail that I think should be blazed.”

Hawgood believes an everyday father, firefighter, and business owner, like himself, would be a positive step away from the often overcomplicated systems of government that have reigned in recent memory.

“I have a fresh, challenging voice I can bring to this riding,” notes Hawgood, “With other governments there appear to be wastages and I would be able to ask a lot of questions as to where exactly the taxes are being spent.”

In addition to providing a fresh voice for his riding, Hawgood believes he could help resolve some simple inefficiencies. Better health care and better education are Hawgood’s priorities in the coming election and he believes the two entities can complement each other. For example, he says teaching kids to lead healthier lifestyles early on is a great way of freeing up the hospitals of the future.

If Hawgood is elected he would see the wait times at local hospitals decrease and a more collaborative, problem-solving style of learning introduced to public schools.

“If anyone has ever cast an NDP, Conservative, or Liberal vote, or you don’t vote, there’s room for all of those inside of the Green Party.”