Pat Porter Active Living Centre was full of farmers on Thursday.

They were there for Steinbach Crop Day, an annual seminar held by Manitoba Agriculture to assist farmers with current resources and techniques.

Attendees of the event heard five speakers make a 45 minute presentation, ranging from insect pressures in the new year, to how to make cover crops work in Manitoba, to management risk for grain storage today.

(Organizers Earl Bargen and Vivian Giesbrecht)

“We always try to keep it as relevant as possible,” shares Earl Bargen, organizer of the event. A big reason why he included Lorne Grieger, Assistant Vice President of Manitoba Operations at Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute, to provide a seminar on grain storage.

Bargen explains that drying and aeration were especially topically “as a result of all the wet grain harvested this year”.

Asked if he was happy with the turnout Bargen was emphatic, “Oh, very much so”.