The Member of Parliament for Provencher says both Manitoba and Canada need a targeted plan for reopening our economy.

Two months ago, during a virtual meeting of the House of Commons, Ted Falk voiced frustration over the endless cycle of restrictions, noting the Liberal government's response to COVID-19 has failed to mature. In the last two months, COVID-19 daily case counts have been climbing across Canada, including Manitoba. Admissions to Intensive Care Units (ICU) have risen, and more restrictions have been announced, including lockdowns in some jurisdictions. Yet, Falk says his opinion towards the easing of restrictions has not changed.

t's like a moving map system and you can't really nail something down as to what do we need to see happen before this and this can be lifted or before this lockdown or restriction is removed."

Falk says in Manitoba it seemed like things were starting to trend in the right direction again, but then more restrictions were imposed earlier this week. Those restrictions further limit capacity at Churches, weddings and funerals, as well as household gatherings.