A meteorologist with Environment Canada says a warmer, drier stretch of weather may be just around the corner. But before that, southern Manitobans will need to endure a couple of days of wet, cool weather.

The May long weekend will kick off Friday with a cool evening. In fact, Terri Lang says the next two days would not be an ideal time to plant your garden. With temperatures expected to dip to zero both nights, Lang says you will probably lose any tomatoes or bedding plants to frost.

Lang says Saturday could still see some lingering showers or flurries and temperatures will likely stay in the single digits. But, then Sunday, things change. Sunday's high is 16 degrees under a sunny sky, followed by Monday's 18 degrees and mainly sunny.

According to Lang, the jet stream right now is taking a really big dip, well into the United States over western North America. That is keeping everything to the north, including Manitoba, on the cold side of the jet stream. She explains that weather systems travel along the jet stream and because that jet stream sits so close to Manitoba, we are getting hit by all of the weather systems coming from the United States, including several Colorado Lows.

But, having said that, Lang says the system currently hitting southern Manitoba is not a Colorado Low. She says this one originally went through British Columbia and Alberta before hitting Saskatchewan and Manitoba. And, if you want a bright side to today's weather, Lang says at least the flurries falling in Steinbach are not accumulating on the ground, unlike other parts of Manitoba and Saskatchewan where the ground is white.

Lang says the fact this system came from B.C., is a good thing. She notes it is a sign that the weather is changing. That big trough of low pressure is finally flattening out and Lang says the result should be a drier, warmer pattern.

"This parade of lows, it looks like it's finally coming to an end," she says.

Looking ahead, Steinbach should finally see the temperature return to normal highs by mid next week. The normal high for this time of year is 22 degrees.