The construction of Stonebridge Wellness Centre in Steinbach is officially under way, following a snow turning ceremony Wednesday afternoon. 

Bethesda Foundation Executive Director John Peters, says construction of the Wellness Centre is phase two of the Primary Care Centre development project. He says there have been a number of leasing inquiries for the ten spaces the 16,500 square foot building will provide. "It'll be health care providers they are private individuals they will be providing medical services to augment those at the Primary Care Centre. You might find a hearing centre, physiotherapy, or chiropractor, things like that, depends on who leases the space."

Peters says there will be private businesses, like many others throughout our city. Noting there is a real need for more services like this, and having them in a centralized location will be convenient for residents in the Southeast. 

It's an ambitious time frame for construction, but Peters notes, they are hoping to open both the Primary Care Centre and the Stonebridge Wellness Centre this summer. "It's a short time frame but I think it's doable. The contractor is already on the site beginning ground work and they are forging ahead, so we are hoping by August of 2017 it will be usable."

The new wellness centre is adjacent to the Primary Care Centre on Stonebridge Crossing in Steinbach. 

Read More: Construction Set To Start On Bethesda Wellness Centre