Steinbach city councillors are being cautious in reacting to a suggestion that the city allow wide-open Sunday shopping. Resident David Banman made a presentation to city council Tuesday saying it's time to acknowledge Sunday shopping is already widely happening in the community and that city council should stop pretending it is not.

Councillor John Fehr, who is running for mayor, is anxious to hear what businesses and shoppers think about that.

"I think it's going to create a lot of dialogue in the community and I'm anxious to hear what that brings out. In talking to the business community in the past, I think the business community, the shops themselves, are not all that warm to it because of staffing issues and potential things like that. We're open to do what the community is looking for and, hopefully, we can steer this ship the right way."

Councillor Earl Funk, who is also running for mayor, agrees this decision is up to the people of Steinbach.

"I do like the way things are right now, but it's not about me. We need to know what the people want and this will get them talking and they will come and see us and we will get a good feel for what they want to do and we've then got to move in that direction."

Councillor Michael Zwaagstra is the only one to give a clear answer.

"I'm comfortable continuing to follow the provincial law as it is and not making any exception to that. So, essentially, continuing as we are now."

Councillor Jac Siemens says he is okay either way.

"I'm comfortable with Sunday shopping. And, I'm very comfortable with no Sunday shopping, it makes us unique, it's who we are, it creates an identity for the City of Steinbach and I'm okay with that. I'm very happy either way. But, I would like to hear from the business people and I would also like to hear from the shoppers; What do they want? We do know that there's a lot of Sunday traffic to Winnipeg for exactly that reason. It is an area that needs to be looked at."

Councillor Cari Penner says Banman is right about the fact that Sunday shopping is already happening in Steinbach and welcomes further discussion on the matter.

Mayor Chris Goertzen says, until now, city council has wanted the business community to take the lead on this issue and suspects that may continue in the future.

Councillor Susan Penner was not at Tuesday's meeting.