In an effort to help continually raise awareness about breast cancer and breast cancer screening, the CIBC branch in Steinbach, and branches across Canada, have gone 'pink' Thursday.

It's also 'Client Appreciation Day', but spokesperson Linda Davidson says the message is about making sure more and more Canadians are getting screened.

"This is to remind Canadians how important it is to get breast cancer screening done, both men and women out there.  It's really important that we take charge of our own health and that we make sure that we really make ourselves aware of the support that we have."

A recent study shows that breast cancer survival rates have increased 35% in the past 25-years.  Participation in organized screening programs is considered a key factor in improving that rate.  However, breast cancer is still the number one cancer among Canadian women, affecting 1 in 9 women during their lifetimes.

On top of increasing awareness, CIBC is also hoping to recruit some new particpants for its annual 'Run for the Cure'.  Last year, the run raised over $33 million dollars for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  But Davidson says, the run is not just about raising a bunch of money.

"Every year we have a goal and certainly we want to increase that year after year but, our goal is to see that survivor rate up.  That's the key message.  every dollar more that we can raise will certainly help increase that survivor rate."

If you'd care to register for the 'Run', you can do so at any CIBC Branch.  If you register Thursday, Davidson says you'll also be entered into a draw for $500 of 'Run' merchandise from CIBC and its sponsors.  In fact, you'll be entered intot he draw if you register anytime between now and the end of August.

For more information, you can check out the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation at