Hanover School Division Board Chair Ron Falk says he has nothing negative to say about the protest at their head office Monday afternoon.

Falk says he fully supports the free speech that was demonstrated.

"People are certainly free to protest and gather and express their views. I have no concern with that whatsoever, I would be more concerned if people were not allowed to do that. Yesterday there was a group of individuals, a fair-sized group obviously, who were expressing their views and I am totally in support of people being able to do that."

ust when the province announced that school would be in-person and masks would not be mandatory. He notes the government then did quite an about-face and made drastic changes to the back-to-school plan.

"As far as where we can go from here as a division right now, I can say the board has not had a discussion about that. Obviously, if the province is actually going to continue down this path of mandated vaccines, there are a significant number of people across the province in various jobs who will just tap out." He notes "if we don't have a number of staff showing up for work, that will have an impact on how we run our division."

Falk says the Hanover School Division board has an open meeting Tuesday evening and Monday's protest is not on the agenda.