Another week has gone by and we've got lots of good stuff to look back on.  If you see some good stuff happening, please let us know!

Bring on the babies!

The Steinbach Family Resource Centre has seen an increase in families looking for support.  The work that SFRC does and how they encourage young families in the southeast is good stuff!




Grab your toboggans!

Alright BMX and sledding fans.  Get ready!  Dawson Trail Park is adding yet another great area to their park!  A BMX track/tobogganing hill is in the works.  And this is super good stuff!




Rural MB is getting hooked up!

Good news for rural Manitoba!  The government of Canada recently announced increased funding for northern and rural Manitoba expanding hi-speed internet coverage.  This is most definitely good stuff!




A local hero saving lives.

Trevor Wilson is a local hero, nominated by his daughter Chloe.  She wrote a great letter explaining why she thinks he is a hero.  This is good stuff!  If you know of someone that makes life better here in the southeast, nominate them at Local Heroes.




Mitchell Middle School is exercising online!

With some students now learning from home, teachers have gotten creative with including them even in gym class!  Check out this behind the scenes look at a class.















 Southeast Centre is still a go. 

The plans for an event centre in Steinbach are still in the works.  The pandemic has slowed the process down, but the city of Steinbach is still looking ahead to the project and that is good stuff!




Take the fight outside.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects many and add in a pandemic and this year could be interesting.  A local doctor suggests taking the fight against SAD outside...literally.  Heading outdoors to battle SAD is a great idea and definitely good stuff!



A hidden treasure in Mitchell.

A nature trail one mile north of Mitchell exists and many are unaware of it!  This is a great place to get outside, enjoy nature, get some fresh air, and battle SAD (see good stuff above)!  This hidden treasure is good stuff!




We remember.

So many great stories shared during Remembrance Day this year.  Stories filled with sacrifice and legacy and keeping the memories alive and even though services looked different this year, we still remember and are thankful.  This is good stuff.




Good stuff gallery.

What a great week of good stuff to see!  If you see good stuff happening, please let us know. We always want to see the good stuff!

  • Some powerful conversations were had at a grade 3E at Mitchell Elementary School this week.  They shared images of what they discussed during a conversation highlighting negatives and positives from the pandemic.  Insightful to see what the kids are thinking!
  • Woodlawn School PAC and parents surprised their teachers with some individually packages snacks for the staff room!  So good!
  • Maida Jane has worked at Bethesda for 21 years and was super thankful for the coffee and donuts dropped off for the staff this week.  GOOD STUFF!
  • Landmark Shoebox Drive is busy packing up boxes for the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Drive!  Check out all those full shoeboxes!
  • The Reimer brothers decided to go for coffee.  But got creative with their transportation and decided to hit the drive-thru with their tractors!  The 3 brothers, Ray, Denver, and Barrie raised a few eyebrows and caused more than a few people to smile as they ordered their coffees to go!
  • Another beautiful sunset before the snowfall from the Stuartburn Facebook Page and a great before and after of the recent snowfall.

Thanks for sharing your photos with us.  Keep them coming...we want to see more good stuff!