If everything goes according to plan, Steinbach will be finally be getting a fenced-in dog park next year.

Last weekend, Steinbach City Council held their annual fall study session in which they put together a plan for the 2021 budget.

Mayor Earl Funk says they've got a number of exciting projects in the works.

"One of them is something that has been asked for many times and that we are finally prepared for is a dog park. Now, let's qualify this, this budget will not be approved until February or March but it is in the books, it is tentatively there barring some crazy circumstances happening. This is what we are working toward."

Funk says the current plan is to build this fenced-in dog park near the old Abe’s Hill parking lot on the north side of L.A. Barkman Park which now has access via the newly extended Woodhaven Avenue.

This isn’t the only upgrade coming to L.A. Barkman Park either. Funk notes the city is also planning to put in a basketball court.

"It is taking that park to a different level because that park has always been more of a passive type park and now, we are looking at putting more activities in. It is a great space, there is lots of development around it, and it is getting used to a much greater degree."

While putting together next year's budget, Funk says council worked very hard to keep taxes down. He notes the preliminary budget has a net-zero increase for property tax so unless your assessment is much higher than normal, you won’t pay any extra in 2021.