You don’t have to wait until it’s time for spring cleaning to throw out things you really don’t need. 

Stephanie Marmus of Luxe Cleaning Co. has created a list of 10 things to get rid of right now. 

She says it’s easy to hang onto items that no longer serve you but keeping those things can add frustration to your day. 

Throw these things away right now:

1. Expired food. Look beyond the fridge, into your pantry and cupboards and check your food’s expiration dates! 

2. Expired makeup. Did you know makeup expires?? That eye shadow you’ve been using since high school might need an upgrade! 

3. Sock without pairs/with holes. There’s no need to keep these around. Their match is probably long gone! 

4. Tupperware without lids and vice versa! Chances are you will NEVER use them again! 

5. Unused toys. If your kids have outgrown them, or if they don’t work properly anymore, it’s time for it to go! 

6. Old mail. Anyone else’s junk drawer full of random junk mail?? Just toss it out! 

7. Instruction manuals. Most manuals can be found online these days, and honestly when is the last time you needed one of these? 

8. Broken jewelry. Be honest- you probably won’t get this fixed. 

9. Books you won’t read. This includes novels, cookbooks, self-help books, kids' books. What will you realistically read again someday? 

10. Old decor. If you’re sick of it now, you probably won’t want it later! 

While decluttering can feel like a big job, Marmus says it's worth it!  

If you struggle with tossing stuff, she gives some tips that might help. 

Tip 1: If you're afraid to throw things out, put them in a trash bag for 1 month. That way, if you do end up needing it you still have it. If you haven't needed it after a month, throw it out!  

Tip 2: Use bins, baskets or reusable shopping bags for storage.  

Tip 3: Take 20 minutes every day for 1 week to declutter. You'll be shocked at how much you'll get done! 

-With files from Carly Koop