Drainage issues and continuing phase two of the lagoon expansion are two things the reeve for La Broquerie is looking to see in 2018.

Reeve Lewis WeissLewis Weiss says there are drainage issues, especially during the spring thaw, and the municipality is continuing to work and improve continued problem areas.

"We do have a few more localized, smaller drainage ditch cleaning areas and road repair areas up for the works, once we do the budget in January."

Weiss adds he's thankful to the industries who continue to work with the municipality.

"A big thank you to all the corporations and farms in our municipality. We know they have to sometimes put up with a lot of the infrastructure issues and we want to say thanks that they're willing to work with us. It's because of them that we're growing the way we are growing and we do appreciate them a lot."

He says the municipal elections will be held this fall and he is looking forward to running again.